Ninth Generation

489. William Jasper NEW was born on 4 March 1837 in KY.113,156 He died on 12 July 1923 in Owen Co., KY.156 He was buried in July 1923 in Monterey Cemetery, Owen Co., KY.156

William Jasper NEW and Elizabeth CLAXON were married. They appeared in the census in 1860 in District 1, Owen Co., KY. Page 44, line 11, dwelling 278, family 277
William New, 23, M, Farmer, 250, 250, KY
Elizabeth New, 21, F, KY
John R. New, 21, M, Farmhand, 250, 200, KY (brother)
Elizabeth CLAXON was born on 11 February 1839. She died on 2 April 1898.

William Jasper NEW and Elizabeth CLAXON had the following children:



William Jasper NEW Jr..