Seventh Generation

115. Sarah HUNT was born on 20 August 1779 in NC.59 She died on 11 October 1843 in Wayne Co., IN.59 She was buried in October 1843 in Elkhorn Cemetery, Wayne Co., IN.59

Sarah HUNT and Richard SEDGWICK were married in 1808 in Wayne Co., IN.59 Richard SEDGWICK59 was born in 1774 in Yorkshire, England.59 He died in 1849 in Wayne Co., IN.59 He was buried in 1849 in Elkhorn Cemetery, Wayne Co., IN.59 Said to be the second white man to be married in Wayne Co., IN. Richard came to America and settled on a farm in Union Co., IN. He was in the War of 1812 and is said to have built the first fanning machine (forerunner of the Threshing machine) ever built. He died of Asiatic Cholera in an epidemic of 1849. Richard and Sarah had a very large family.