Thirteenth Generation

969. Pamela Sue JOHNSON was born on 20 July 1950 in Shelbyville, Shelby Co., IN. She graduated on 22 May 1968 in New Palestine High School, New Palestine, IN.

Pamela Sue JOHNSON and Johnnie L. BURKETT Sr. were married on 8 June 1968 in Greenfield, Hancock Co., IN. They were divorced. Johnnie L. BURKETT Sr. was born on 30 October 1946 in IN.

Pamela Sue JOHNSON and Johnnie L. BURKETT Sr. had the following children:



Shonna S. BURKETT.



Johnnie L. BURKETT Jr..

Pamela Sue JOHNSON and Hershal B. GREGORY were married on 27 May 1978 in Scottsburg, Scott Co., IN. Hershal B. GREGORY was born on 16 August 1947 in Monticello, Wayne Co., KY.

Pamela Sue JOHNSON and (?) BUNDY were married. (?) BUNDY was born (date unknown).

Pamela Sue JOHNSON and (?) NEWMAN were married in IN. (?) NEWMAN (private).