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312. John Ludwig CLAPP Sr. was born in 1711 in Weisenheim Am Berg, Germany. He was confirmed on 5 June 1726 in Germany. He was on a Grand Jury in March 1753 in Orange Co., NC.352 March 1753 (11-11-6) "G. Jury Impd: The Grand Jury Called and Impanelled to wit: 1: Henry Bedingfield, 2. Benjamin Martin, 3. James McAlester, 4. John Dover, 4. Lodowick Clap, 6. John McFarland, 7. Zachariah Martin, 8. William Miers, 9. Abraham Whithersworth, 10. Lawrence Rambo, 11. Robt. Patterson, 12. David Stapler, 13. Thos. Mathews." John was on a Grand Jury in June 1753 in Orange Co., NC.353 Jun 1753 Court (17-17-9) "G. Jury: The Sheriff returned a grand inquest for the County of Orange to wit & c who after being first impaneled & sworn & heard their Charge withdrew: 1. Henry Bedingfield, 2. Abraham Whitworth, 3. John Dunnagan, 4. John White, 5. John Rhodes, 6. William Copeland, 7. William Rhodes, 8. William Reaves, 9. William Miers, 10. James Swafort, 11. Lodwick Clap, 12. Robert Patterson, 13. Thomas Mathews, 14. Hosea Tapley, 15. James Hendricks." Name paid Taxes value place date He was on a Petty Jury in March 1755 in Orange Co., NC.354 March 1755 Court (104) Lodiwick Clapp, listed as a juror. He was an Overseer of the Road in December 1756 in Orange Co., NC.355 Dec 1756 Court - (193-97) "Ordered that Lodiwick Clapp be appointed Overseer of the Road in the room of John Fuller." John Was on a Jury in March 1757 in Orange Co., NC.356 March 1757 (201-101) "The following persons appointed to attend next Supreme Court at Salisbury for the Counties of Orange, Rowan & Anson; ...., Lodiwick Clap ...." He registered his Brand in June 1757 in Orange Co., NC.357 Jun 1757 Court (234) "On motion of Lodiwick Clap it is ordered that his mark and Brand be recorded to wit: Brand on the vear shoulder (Drawing of Brand) Mark a Swallow fork on the left ear and a staple fork in the left ear." He was paid for jury duty in June 1757 in Orange Co., NC.357 June Court 1757 (234) "Ordered that Lodiwick Clapp be paid his ticket of two pounds sixteen shillings and eight pence for his attendance as a Jury (sic) at Salisbury Superior Court 1757 (sic) and 1/4 for Cer." John received Letters of Administration in December 1757 in Orange Co., NC.358 Dec Court 1767 (258) "On motion of Mr. Ballard, Attorney at Law, in behalf of Lodiwick Clap a Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration on the Estate of Batt Seboon late of Orange County deceases on his giving Josep (sic) Boggs and Jacob Boon Security's in 100 Pounds proclamation money for his due administration of his said office." He gave inventory of Saboon Estate in March 1758 in Orange Co., NC.359 March 1758 Court (276) "Lodwick Clapp Administrator of Bale? (Bate?) SABOON deceased exhibited an Inventory & c. on Oath of the said deceased Estate which was ordered to be recorded." He was overseer of the Western Path in June 1759 in Orange Co., NC.360 Jun 1759 Court (378) "Ordered that Lodiwick Clapp and Thomas Lowe be appointed Overseers of the Western Path or? Great Road." John was mentioned in Court in May 1761 in Orange Co., NC.361 May 1761 Court - (486) "Ordered that Isaac Grisam be appointed Overseer of the Road in the room of Lodiwick Clap." He was naturalized on 22 March 1763 in Salisbury, Rowan Co., NC. He owned property in May 1763 in Orange Co., NC.362 A Deed of Sale from the Honourable Henry Eustice McCulloch to Ludwick CLAP was proved in open Court by the oath of Michael HOLT, Jr and was ordered to be registered. (587) - 32. John was on a road committee in August 1763 in Orange Co., NC.363 Aug Term 1763 -(607-52) Ordered that the following persons (to wit) Peter Nowey, John McCombs, Lodwick Clap, John Oliver, Jacob Brown, Jacob Soots, Ludwick Albright, Elias Powell, John Powell, John Shady, Barnett Troxler and John Smith after Qualifying according to Law lay open a road in the best and most convenient way from Peter Noe's to William Willey's and report their proceedings thereon to the next Court. He was on a Land Committee in August 1763 in Orange Co., NC.364 August Term 1763 (614-59) "Ordered that Michael Holt, Jr., Michael Holt, Sr., Lodowick Clap, and David Lowe be appointed to lay out, value and condemn One acre of Land belonging to Henry Eustice McCulloh lying on the Trading Path ford of Haw River, also an other acre out of the opposite side of the said river the property of Robert Nugent and that the said McCulloh have liberty to erect a Water Grist (sic) at the aforesaid place agreeable to Law." He signed a will on 25 July 1768 in Orange Co., NC.365 Name on will - Lodowick Clapp. See page 244 of ACB book for more information. Wife mentioned, but name not given. Sons: John, others mentioned, but names not given. Daughters mentioned but names and number not given. Executrix: wife. Witnesses: John Graves, Lodowick (x) Swing, George Cortner. WILL OF JOHN LUDWIG CLAPP, SR Orange County, North Carolina - Will Book A. Page 203 - July 25, 1768 - Proved February, 1778 In the name of God Amen, I Lodovich Clap of the County of Ouring (Orange) and province of North Carolina, being to the abundant marcy and goodness of God to sick in body yet of a sound and parfact understanding and mamory do constitute this my last will and Testamant and desire it to be received by all as such. Imprimis: I most humble bequeath my soul to God, my Maker, beseeching his most gracious acceptance of it to the all inffinit marcy and moderation of my most compassionate Redemer, Jesus Christ, who give himself to be an attonement for my sins and is able to save to the uttermost all that som unto God by him, seeing he even lived to mack intercession for them and who I trust will not reject me a returning penetent siner when I com to him for marcy in this humble conatance. I render up my soul with comfort, humbly beseching the most blessed and glorious trinity. Trinity, one God most Holy, most marciful and gracious paraparim for the time of dissolution and then to take me to himself into peace and rest and incomparable felicity wich he has prapared for those that love and prase his Holy name, Amen. Blesed to God. Imprimis: I give my body to the Earth from whance it was taken in full assurence of its ressurection from thence of the last day. As for my bureal I desire it may be desent without pomp and ceremony at the discretion of my dear wife as an executor hereafter, I doubt not will manage it well, then I give to my dear and loving wife for term of life this House wherein I now dwell and mill and all my stock and houselin goods and one hundred Ecures (acres) of land and of the lower land of said tract wher the mill is and liberty she shall have to rise and lower the water to the mill not to be hindered by eny persons or person by her life or anyone hereafter, and Item: I give to my son John the overflows of said track of land where the mill is in along the upper end of it which is to be two hundred and sixty Ecures of land to him and to his heirs or asigns forever and after my beloved wifes death all my stock and houselins it to be sold and this vided amongst my sons and daughters equally alike, and so like wise the mill and what is belonging to it and in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and afixt my seal on the Twenty-fift Day of July in the yer of our Lord 1768, sined seled and delivered in the presence of us. John Graves (Signed in German script) Lodevick (X) Swing (his mark) Lodowick Clapp George Cortner Orange County, February County Court, 1778. The execution of the within will was duly proved in open court by the oath of John Graves and Lodowick Swing to the subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered to be Reorded. Imprimis: I give my body to the Earth from whance it was taken in full assurence of its ressurection from thence of the last day. As for my bureal I desire it may be desent without pomp and ceremony at the discretion of my dear wife as an executor hereafter, I doubt not will manage it well, then I give to my dear and loving wife for term of life this House wherein I now dwell and mill and all my stock and houselin goods and one hundred Ecures (acres) of land and of the lower land of said tract wher the mill is and liberty she shall have to rise and lower the water to the mill not to be hindered by eny persons or person by her life or anyone hereafter, and Item: I give to my son John the overflows of said track of land where the mill is in along the upper end of it which is to be two hundred and sixty Ecures of land to him and to his heirs or asigns forever and after my beloved wifes death all my stock and houselins it to be sold and this vided amongst my sons and daughters equally alike, and so like wise the mill and what is belonging to it and in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and afixt my seal on the Twenty-fift Day of July in the yer of our Lord 1768, sined seled and delivered in the presence of us. John Graves (Signed in German script) Lodevick (X) Swing (his mark) Lodowick Clapp George Cortner Orange County, February County Court, 1778. The execution of the within will was duly proved in open court by the oath of John Graves and Lodowick Swing to the subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered to be Reorded. Imprimis: I give my body to the Earth from whance it was taken in full assurence of its ressurection from thence of the last day. As for my bureal I desire it may be desent without pomp and ceremony at the discretion of my dear wife as an executor hereafter, I doubt not will manage it well, then I give to my dear and loving wife for term of life this House wherein I now dwell and mill and all my stock and houselin goods and one hundred Ecures (acres) of land and of the lower land of said tract wher the mill is and liberty she shall have to rise and lower the water to the mill not to be hindered by eny persons or person by her life or anyone hereafter, and Item: I give to my son John the overflows of said track of land where the mill is in along the upper end of it which is to be two hundred and sixty Ecures of land to him and to his heirs or asigns forever and after my beloved wifes death all my stock and houselins it to be sold and this vided amongst my sons and daughters equally alike, and so like wise the mill and what is belonging to it and in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and afixt my seal on the Twenty-fift Day of July in the yer of our Lord 1768, sined seled and delivered in the presence of us. John Graves (Signed in German script) Lodevick (X) Swing (his mark) Lodowick Clapp George Cortner Orange County, February County Court, 1778. The execution of the within will was duly proved in open court by the oath of John Graves and Lodowick Swing to the subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered to be Recorded. Test. Noah Rochester, Clerk John owned a bond on 12 January 1772 in Orange Co., NC.366 "Page 480, Bond of Michael Sehler to Ludwig Clapp, 12 January 1772, Sehler promises to pay Clapp seventy five pounds plus interest by 15 Jan 1775; signed (reproduce signature); witness: Daniel (X) May, Samuel Suther; memorandum signed by CLapp states there will be twenty two pounds interest for a total payment of fifty pounds; signed: Ludwig Clapp; witness: "a dutchman", Daniel (X) May; proved Julty Term 1772 by Suther." He owned land on 15 January 1772 in Orange Co., NC.366 "P. 479, 15 Jan 1772, Michael Sehler of Surry County, North Carolina, to Ludwig Clapp of Orange, twenty two pounds due CLapp, 300 acres, on Clows Cr. joining Haywood's land on one side and the Moravians on the other, also 1 roan horse, 2 mares, 2 colts, 3 cows, 1 heifer, 2 two yr. old steers, 3 yearlings, 2 calves, all the horses, mares, colts, & cattle that I own or shall own that hath my mark or brand, & all my household furniture, if Sehler pays Clapp two pounds by 15 January (no year given) deed is void: signed: (reproduce signature); witness: Daniel (X) May, Samuel Suther; no probate record." He died before 19 June 1777 at the age of 66 in Orange Co., NC. Will proven for name at place on date.367 Feb Court Term 1778 (1114-33-folio 17) "Issd. The Last Will and Testament of Lodwick Clap was exhibited in open court and duly proved by the oath of John Graves & Lodwick Swing two of the subscribing Witnesses thereto Ordered that Letters of Admn. be granted to Margaret Clap with the Will annexed there being no Exr. appointed in the said Will and that she enter into Bond with John Graves and Lodwick Swing Secys. in the sum of three thousand pounds." Will Book A, Page 203, Orange Co., NC. Buried Brick Church, Guilford Co., NC, first communion in Dackenheim, 5 Jun 1726, naturalized 22 MAR 1763, Superior Court records, Rowan Co., NC. Anna Margaret STRADER and John Ludwig CLAPP Sr. were married in 1735. Both came to America aboard the ship "James Goodwill", 27 Sep 1727. 313. Anna Margaret STRADER was born on 18 June 1717 in Germany.368 She execution of a deed in May 1778 in Orange Co., NC.369 May Court Term 1778 (1128 -40- folio 20) The Execution of a Deed from Margaret Clap, Barney Clap, George Clap, Lodwick Clap & Jacob Clap to John Clap was duly proved in open Court and ordered to be registered. She Inventory of Estate in May 1778 in Orange Co., NC.369 May Court Term 1778 (1128 -40- folio 20) An inventory of the Estate of Lodwick Clap was returned in open Court and Ordered to be Recorded. Anna was audited in February 1779 in Orange Co., NC.370 Feb Court Term 1779 (1171- folio 31) "Thomas Hart, John Hogan & Bryan Crosbie Esqrs. is appointed to audite the Accts. of Margaret Clapp Admx. of Lodwick Clapp Dec'd." "An Acct. Current of the Admx. of Lodwick Clapp Decd. is returned in open Court and ordered to be Record. (sic)." She died on 17 January 1786 at the age of 68 in Orange Co., NC.368 Aged 67 years, 4 months, 3 weeks and 1 day. Description: Jan 17 1785 Anna Margareta Klapin gestorben und ist alt worden 67 jahr 4 monat 3 wochen 8 tag. Hier ist ruthsted(?) einer gestorben en mit ? schweister diese ........ She was buried in January 1786 in Brick Church Cemetery, Guilford Co., NC.368 (lenner den 17 an 1785 ist Anna Margretha Klapin gestorben und ist alt worden 67 iahr 4 mond 3 wochen 1 dag Hir ist die Ruh sted einer verstorben nen mit schwe stter die... inscription continues but is covered by cement) Buried in the Brick Church Cemetery in Guilford Co., NC. Birth and death dates from Grace Anderson Thompson. Children were: | i. | Anna Margaretha CLAPP was born in 1735 in Berks Co., PA. She died on 19 November 1807 at the age of 72 in Guilford Co., NC. | | ii. | Charles Troy CLAPP371 was born in 1736 in Berks Co., PA.371 | | iii. | Barbara Maria CLAPP was born in 1737 in Berks Co., PA. She died on 11 April 1821 at the age of 84 in Orange Co., NC. One source had death in 1798.
| | iv. | John George CLAPP Sr. was born on 17 April 1739 in Oley Twp., Berks Co., PA.372 He died on 18 December 1806 at the age of 67 in Guilford Co., NC.372 Notes: George Clapp of Valentine born April 17, 1739, died Dec. 18, 1806. He lives at the Green Wharton place. Age 67 years 8 months and 1 day. (Brick Church Records) He was buried in December 1806 in Brick Church Cemetery, Guilford Co., NC.372 Had 7 children. He is a patriot for Patriotic Service from NC during the Revolutionary War. Page 569 DAR Index. Fought in the Battle of Alamance. He was a Regulator.
| 156 | v. | Barnhardt "Barney" CLAPP Sr.. | | vi. | John Ludwig "Ludwick" CLAPP Jr. was born in 1742 in Berks Co., PA. He owned a lot on 23 July 1770 in Orange Co., NC.373 "Page 601, 23 July 1770, Thomas Lowe & Lydia his wife of Orange to Lodwick Clapp of same, one pound ten shillings, 3/4 acre, Lot No. 16 in a town laid out by Lowe, part of a larger tract from McCullock, on waters of Stinking Quarter Cr.; signed: Thos. Lowe; witness: John Hawkins, David Lowe; proved July Term 1770 by David Lowe. (Ed. note: see also N.C. Patent Book 19:449.)" He was baptized in December 1772 in Brick Church, Guilford Co., NC. Ludwick gave an oath in August 1791 in Orange Co., NC.374 Aug Court Term 1791 (2115 - 371) "The execution of a Deed from Jacob Albright to George Albright was duly proved in open Court by the Oath of Ludwick Clapp one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto & ordered to be Registered." He died on 20 January 1834 at the age of 92 in Guilford Co., NC. Revolutionary War pensioner. Listed in Indiana DAR book, DAR 929.1, Greensburg, In. Library. Enlisted 1776 under Captain Whitsell and Col. Paisley, also served under Forbes Martin and Gillespie. Descendant: SHUTT, Malinda (Mrs. Frank), No. 338423. Fought in the Battle of Guilford's Courthouse. He apprenticed in Philadelphia for 7 years with a cycle maker. He was a blacksmith, gunsmith, farmer. In his later years he operated a gunsmith and blacksmith shop. Listed as being associated with the Regulator movement in Orange Co, NC - a Whig.
| | vii. | Catharine CLAPP was born in 1744 in Oley Twp., Berks Co., PA. She died in Sullivan Co., TN. Alive in 1805 when court appointed her and son Lewis to administer her husbands estate in Sullivan Co., TN. | | viii. | Daniel CLAPP was born in 1746.375 He died in 1838 at the age of 92.375 | | ix. | Anna Maria CLAPP was born in 1747 in PA. She died in Knox Co., TN. | | x. | Capt. Jacob CLAPP Sr. was born on 22 November 1749 in Berks Co., PA.368,376 He served in the military Lieutenant about 1776 in Guilford Co., NC. Following abstract of Jacob Clapp Revolutionary War Pension Claim obtained from Orange County Public Library several years ago:Revolutionary War Pension Claim Jacob Clapp Rank: Lieutenant County/State: Guilford County, N.C. Widow: Barbara File Number: W.17624 Born: Nov. 5, 1747; the place nor the names of his parents are given. Died: Jan. 30, 1832, place not stated. George Albright mentioned in his declaration dated May 27, 1840, that Christian Clapp (relation- not stated) was the administrator to Jacob Clapp's estate, and who later removed to Indiana and it was not known what had become of the Revolutionary records of Jacob Clapp. Marriage: In 1772 (about) to Barbara Foust, place not stated. Children: Capt. Jacob Clapp had a family record in German Language but which does not show the marriage of Jacob Clapp and Barbara Foust, which was in the year 1772 (about) but lists names and birth dates of their children: Anna Catherine Clapp was born Dec. 21, 1773 John Clapp was born Jan 22, 1775 Anna Barbara Clapp was born Mar. 11, 1776 Jacob Clapp was born Sept. 8, 1778 Jacob Clapp was born Feb. 19, 1781 John George Clapp was born Jan. 17, 1783 John Ludwig Clapp was born Sept. 16, 1785 John Peter Clapp was born Aug. 8, 1788 Anna Maria Clapp was born June 16, 1789 Jacob Clapp (Cap.) was born Nov. 5, 1747 Barbara Clapp was born Jan. 20, 1752 Jacob Clapp died Jan. 30, 1832 Barbara Clapp died April 1, 1837(as appears on her tombstone) Service: Enlisted in North Carolina Militia in the Spring (about February) 1775, while a resident of Guilford County, N.C., under Capt. Whitesell, and Colonel Pasley. He served as Sergt., Lieut., and Captain (the latter in 1780-1781). Length of service: 8 months. Declaration was filed May 27, 1840, by George Albright of Orange County, N.C., one of the heirs-at-law of the late Jacob Clapp, in order to obtain for himself and other heirs the benefit of provision of Act of July 4, 1836. Affidavits: Henry Albright, aged 80 years, Orange Co., N.C. dated Nov. 25, 1839, stated that he served with Jacob Clapp. George Neese, aged 90 years, Orange Co., N.C. dated April 17, 1840, stated that he served as a private under Jacob Clapp in the Cherokee Indian expedition. John McBride, Guilford Co., N.C. Nov. 21, 1839, aged 95 years, served with Jacob Clapp in the Indian expedition. Frederick Soots, Guilford Co., N.C., Feb. 14, 1840, aged 82 years. John Clapp, Guilford Co., N.C., Mar. 14, 1840 (relationship not given) Elizabeth Albright, Orange Co., N.C., Dec. 14, 1840, aged 70 years. Widow: Widow of Jacob Clapp, Barbara (Foust) Clapp, died April 1, 1837 (according to date on her tombstone), in Orange Co., N.C., leaving six children: John, Anna Barbara, Jacob, John George, John Ludwig, and Anna Maria (who married George Albright). Declaration by George Albright, Orange Co., N.C., filed May 27, 1840, one of the heirs-at-law of Jacob Clapp (and Barbara Clapp, his widow) stated that the following of the aforementioned children of Jacob and Barbara Clapp were dead: Anna Catherine, Jacob, and John Peter (all had died previous to July 4, 1836). Widow of Jacob Clapp, Barbara Clapp, deceased, had been granted a pension. Inscribed on Roll of North Carolina, at rate of $40.00 per annum; commenced March 4, 1831, terminated April 1, 1837, when she died (Orange Co., N.C.) Certificate of Pension issued June 23, 1842, North Carolina Agency No. 3731. Act of July 4, l836. Final Payments made to John, Anna Barbara, Jacob, John George and John Ludwig Clapp, and Anna Maria Albright, the remaining living children of said Barbara Clapp, deceased. Original pension application in the National Archives, Washington, D.C. He signed a will on 14 March 1826 in Guilford Co., NC.377 Jacob died on 30 January 1832 at the age of 82 in Guilford Co., NC.368,376 Aged 82 years, 2 months and 8 days. He was buried in February 1832 in Brick Church Cemetery, Guilford Co., NC.368,376 Jacob Clapp was a Captain in the American Revolutionary War, he was a lay leader at Brick Church, conducting services in absence of pastor. His will dated 14 Mar 1826, Guilford Co., NC - 10 children. DAR #549507 - Lt. in NC Line. Tours of duty from 1775 to 1781. Birth date is Brick Church record, pension app. has 5 Nov 1747 as a birth date. Listed in DAR records as a SGT. | | xi. | Stephen CLAPP was born about 1751 in Orange Co., NC.378 He died on 3 May 1829 at the age of 78.378 | | xii. | John CLAPP Sr. was born on 8 January 1753 in Probably NC. He Executed a Deed in May 1778 in Orange Co., NC.369 May Court Term 1778 (1128 -40- folio 20) The Execution of a Deed from John Clap & Judeth Clap to John Allbright was was (sic) duly proved in open Court by the Oath of Lodwick Clap and Ordered to be Registered. He died on 13 December 1813 at the age of 60 in Alamance Co., NC. Buried at Stoner's Church Cemetery. | | xiii. | Esther Hester CLAPP was born in 1758 in NC. She died in 1833 at the age of 75 in Preble Co., OH. Children's names from Mozette Foust's book "The Family of John Foust and Anna Albrecht" in the Davenport Library. |