Eleventh Generation

2490. Carl Eugene CLAPP was born on 15 July 1960 in Decatur Co., IN.

Carl Eugene CLAPP and Tammie ENGLAND were married in 1981. They were divorced about 1985. Tammie ENGLAND was born (date unknown).

Carl Eugene CLAPP and Tammie ENGLAND had the following children:



Nathan Brent CLAPP was born on 30 January 1981 in Shelbyville, Shelby Co., IN.



Natasha Danielle CLAPP was born on 26 February 1982 in Shelbyville, Shelby Co., IN.

Carl Eugene CLAPP and Amy MCCLAIN were married in 1989. No Children. They were divorced about 1990. Amy MCCLAIN was born (date unknown).

Carl Eugene CLAPP and Amy MCCLAIN had the following children:



Morgan Marie CLAPP was born on 7 June 1989 in Shelbyville, Shelby Co., IN.

Carl Eugene CLAPP and Tina SEXTON were married in 1992. Tina SEXTON was born (date unknown).