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11349. Lafayette Bruce IRWIN was born on 7 September 1902 in TN.1329,2478 He died on 27 January 2002 at the age of 99 in Weaverville, Buncombe Co., NC.1329 He was buried in January 2002 in Andersonville Cemetery, Andersonville, TN.1329 Birth and death dates are from stone.
Lafayette Bruce IRWIN and Euretha THOMAS were married on 19 February 1928.2478 Euretha THOMAS was born on 8 February 1907 in TN. She died on 15 September 2002 at the age of 95 in Anderson Co., TN. She was buried in September 2002 in Andersonville Cemetery, Andersonville, TN. Birth and death dates from her stone.
Lafayette Bruce IRWIN and Euretha THOMAS had the following children: |