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13627. Dr. Neal Keith CLAPP was born on 14 October 1928 in Waldron, Shelby Co., IN. He died on 4 July 2003 at the age of 74 in University of Tennessee Medical Center, Knoxville, TN. He was buried on 8 July 2003 in Clinton, Anderson Co., TN. Funeral at 8 pm, Monday, 7 July in the chapel of Holley-Gamble Funeral Home in Clinton with the Rev. Sam Darden, Jr. officiating. Burial at 10:00 am at the Grandview Memorial Gardens. Neal was a graduate of Waldron High School, Waldron, IN in 1946. He received his bachelor's degree at Purdue University, DVM Degree at Ohio State University and his Master's and Doctorate degrees at Colorado State University. Conducted biomedical/cancer research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1964-1981), Oak Ridge Associated Universities (1982-1992), and University of TN Medical Center (1992-1997); Evangelist for Clinton Christian Church, (1972-1997) Clinton, TN 37716. Dorothy Louise STOCKWELL (private). Dr. Neal Keith CLAPP and Dorothy Louise STOCKWELL had the following children: |