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11351. Frank Emory IRWIN2880 was born on 3 September 1910 in TN.1329 He died on 2 July 1983 at the age of 72 in Anderson Co., TN. He was buried in July 1983 in Andersonville Cemetery, Andersonville, TN. Birth and death dates from stone. Formerly a Superintendent of Schools in Anderson County, TN and in 1968 was with the State Dept. of Education. Frank Emory IRWIN and Susie Louise JOHNSON were married circa 1937. They were married in TN.2880,2881 They lived in Nashville in 1968. Susie Louise JOHNSON, daughter of Ozea Gordon JOHNSON and C. Maude COX, was born on 2 August 1917 in Union Co., TN.2879,2881 She appeared in the census in 1920 in District 1, Union Co., TN. Susa, daughter, F, W, 2 5/12, S, TN, TN, TN She graduated in 1935 in Horace Maynard High School, Maynardville, TN.2753 Susie was living in 1937 at Berea College in Berea, Madison Co., KY.2753 She died on 18 December 2002 at the age of 85 in Anderson Co., TN. She was buried in December 2002 in Andersonville Cemetery, Andersonville, TN. Birth and death dates from stone.
Frank Emory IRWIN and Susie Louise JOHNSON had the following children: |