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173. Rosa Ann CLAPP163 was born on 23 January 1761 in Guilford Co., NC.164 She died on 14 December 1789 at the age of 28 in Guilford Co., NC.164 Lived 27 years, 11 month and 21 days. She was buried in December 1789 in Frieden's Lutheran Church Cemetery, Gibsonville, Guilford Co., NC.164 Died at age of 27 years, 11 months, and 21 days.. Rosa Ann CLAPP and Capt. Peter SUMMERS were married about 1778 in NC. Capt. Peter SUMMERS, son of Jacob SUMMERS and Margaret FAUST, was born on 16 May 1757 in NC.163 He died on 17 August 1837 at the age of 80 in Guilford Co., NC.163 Died at age of 80 years, 3 months and 1 day. Buried in Frieden's Church Cemetery with his 4 wives. He was buried in August 1837 in Frieden's Lutheran Church Cemetery, Gibsonville, Guilford Co., NC. 01-31-1837 is the will date. Peter was a Captain in the Revolutionary War and served with the First North Carolina Battalion. Peter was married four times and had nine children. All of them are buried at Frieden Lutheran Church Cemetery in Guilford Co., NC. Part of his will is reproduced in Volume 7, 1992 of the Clapp Family Association Newsletter, page 9 and 10. Stone in Frieden's Church Cemetery has death date of 8-17-1837, age 80 years. Given as father of Lucinda in Mozette Foust's book, page 70. I have a complete copy of will, filename: (Captain Peter Summers Will.doc) At the age of 14 years Peter Summers and his father Jacob were present at the Battle of Alamance, May 16,1771. Captain Peter Summers was a hero of the American Revolution. He was a member of the First North Carolina Battalion. (See Moultries's Memoirs, Vol. 2, p.114; also North Carolina Colonial Records, Vols. 14,16,17, and 18.). He was a friend of President George Washington and was with General Washington and Governor Martin on June 2,1791 when they visited the grounds of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse upon the occasion of the Southern visit of Washington. (See Washington's Diaries, 1791-1799).
Rosa Ann CLAPP and Capt. Peter SUMMERS had the following children: |