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3591. Mintora Angelina "Menta" WHITESELL was born on 5 March 1871 in Alamance Co., NC.272,826 She appeared in the census in 1880 in Boon Station, Alamance Co., NC.826 Mintora WHITSELL Dau F S W 9 NC Fa: NC Mo: NC She died on 22 July 1960 at the age of 89 in Alamance Co., NC. Menta was buried in July 1960 in Stoney Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Alamance Co., NC. Mintora Angelina "Menta" WHITESELL and Clement Eugene TAPSCOTT were married on 27 December 1898.272 Clement Eugene TAPSCOTT was born on 25 February 1871.272 He died on 16 February 1923 at the age of 51 in Alamance Co., NC.272 He was buried in February 1923 in Stoney Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Alamance Co., NC. Mintora Angelina "Menta" WHITESELL and Clement Eugene TAPSCOTT had the following children: 7683 | i. | Madge Oreta TAPSCOTT was born on 20 September 1899 in Alamance Co., NC.272 She died on 28 December 1905 at the age of 6 in Alamance Co., NC.272 She was buried in December 1905 in Stoney Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Alamance Co., NC. | +7684 | ii. | Claude Edward TAPSCOTT. | 7685 | iii. | Betty Van TAPSCOTT was born on 20 March 1903 in NC.272 | 7686 | iv. | Ruth Esther TAPSCOTT was born on 10 August 1905 in NC.272 She on 26 January 1923 in Route 10, Burlington, Alamance Co., NC. The Burlington News, January 26, 1923 R. F. D. NO. 10 ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Shoffner and family; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clapp, and Miss Ruth Tapscott and Tinsy Clapp were visitors at Doris Shoffner's Sunday. | 7687 | v. | Frances E. TAPSCOTT was born on 12 January 1909 in NC.272 | 7688 | vi. | Grace Evelyn TAPSCOTT was born on 13 August 1914 in NC.272 | 7689 | vii. | Polly Anna TAPSCOTT (private).272 |