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11369. Elmer Cana STOOKSBURY was born on 26 February 1916 in Anderson Co., TN.1329 He died on 26 October 1993 at the age of 77 in Anderson Co., TN.1329 He was buried in October 1993 in Sinking Springs Methodist Church Cemetery, Anderson Co., TN.1329 Elmer Cana STOOKSBURY and Mattie Bain SHARP were married. Mattie Bain SHARP, daughter of Alonzo SHARP and Lertie HODGES, was born on 23 July 1915 in Union Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1920 in District 8, Union Co., TN. Mattie, daughter, F, W, 4 5/12, S, TN, TN, TN She graduated in 1935 in Horace Maynard High School, Maynardville, TN.2753 Mattie died on 27 October 1995 at the age of 80 in Anderson Co., TN.1329 She was buried in October 1995 in Sinking Springs Methodist Church Cemetery, Anderson Co., TN.1329 |