Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Eleventh Generation7178. Cana Randolph STOOKSBURY1329 was born on 19 September 1886 in Anderson Co., TN.1329,2485 He died on 30 March 1966 at the age of 79 in Union Co., TN.1329,2485 He was buried in April 1966 in New Loyston Cemetery, Union Co., TN.2485 He operated a store in Loyston, TN. Cana Randolph STOOKSBURY and Bonnie F. IRWIN were married on 2 May 1915 in Union Co., TN.1329,1728 Cana Randolph STOOKSBURY and Bonnie F. IRWIN had the following children:
Cana Randolph STOOKSBURY and Neo Gereo HUTCHISON were married on 3 June 1917 in Union Co., TN.1728 Neo Gereo HUTCHISON, daughter of Lewis Millard HUTCHINSON and Margaret Ann TURNER, was born on 1 July 1898 in Union Co., TN.2486 She appeared in the census in 1910 in District 4, Union Co., TN. Neo. G., daughter, F, W, 11, S, TN, TN, TN Cana Randolph STOOKSBURY and Neo Gereo HUTCHISON had the following children: