Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Tenth Generation5365. For the consideration of two hundred dollars, one hundred dollars of which is in hand paid and the other one hundred dollars to be due and payable, viz fifty dollars in twelve months this and fifty dollars in 24 months from this day with interest from date for which notes of this date are executed and delivered, and for security of lien is expressly held on the land herein conveyed till such notes are paid. We W. A. Clapp and wife, F. A. Clapp have sold and hereby conveyed to John M. Damewood, a certain tract or parcel of land being in the First Civil District of Union County Tennessee on Comb Ridge, adjoining the lands of Malinda Wininger on the east, the Harris tract on the west, Waggoner’s one the north and James Satterfield & others on the south and bounded as follows: Beginning on chestnut oak, a large tree, on top of a ridge, thence south 26 ½ W. 12 poles to a chestnut oak, thence S. 24 W. 19 poles to a poplar, thence S. 55 W. 14 poles to a chestnut oak, thence S. 57 W16 poles to a chestnut oak thence S. 41 W. 44 poles to a chestnut oak, thence S. 25 W. 10 poles to a chestnut oak, thence S. 67 W. 20 poles to a hickory, thence S. 26 W. 16 poles to a chestnut oak, thence S. 21 E. 74 poles to a pine, thence S. 58 E. 19 poles to a chestnut oak in Wallace’s line in Satterfield’s corner, thence with Satterfield’s, now Wininger’s line, to the beginning containing one hundred acres more or less, including all the farm owned by us, on which we lately lived, known as the Wm. Weaver Ridge tract, bought by him of S. N. Kelly, we covenant with said John M. Damewood that we are lawfully seized of said land and that the same is unencumbered, and we warrant the title to said land to him, his heirs and assigns forever against the claims of all persons claiming through or by us, our heirs or representatives, witness our signatures, this 14th day of February, 1893, W. T. Carden, Clerk He Deeded 1/5 interest in land to J. S. Graves on 18 October 1895 in Maynardville, Union Co., TN. 18 Oct 1895 Deed Book M, page 292 & 293 Union County, Tennessee For and in consideration of forty five dollars to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. W. A. Clapp and wife Ann Clapp hath bargained and sold and by these presents they transfer and convey to J. S. Graves a 1/5 interest in a tract or parcel of land lying in the 1st district of Union County Tennessee and bounded as follows: on the South by the Knoxville and Tazewell Road, West by Academy Street, North by Sherman Meltabarger, East by W. G. Monroe. Containing one acre more or less and known as the George Clapp property. W. A. Clapp and wife Ann Clapp, covenant with the said J. S. Graves that they will warrant and defend the title to the 1/5 interest in the above described land which is undivided, against the lawful claims of all persons that they are lawfully seized of said 1/5 interest, and have a good right to convey the same, that said 1/5 interest is not encumbered except the homestead interest of George Clapp’s widow. Oct 18, 1895 W. A. Clapp W. T. Carden, Clerk W. A. Clapp received right of way from Barbary P. Branson This indenture made and entered into this Dec 28, 1898 by and between Barbary P. Branson of the first part and W. A. Clapp of the other part all of the County of Union and State of Tennessee and Dist. No. 1. Witnesseth: That the said Barbary P. Branson of the first part does herby give and convey to the said W. A. Clapp of the second part for the consideration hereinafter named a Right of Way for a road, the width of said road not to be less than that of a third class road, through the land formerly owned by Mark Monroe, which land J. W. Branson died seized and possesses of and now owned in fee by B. P. Branson. Beginning about 50 or 60 feet west of a large buckeye that stands at the branch on the road leading across the ridge to I. Wilson’s or so as to get a good grade, and running a southward course along the side of said ridge to a law gap at the corner of the field now owned by her, to W. A. Clapp and B. P. Branson line on the top of said ridge. The said B. P. Branson does further agree for the said W. A. Clapp to use a reasonable amount of timber to be cut on the said road for the purpose of banking said road, but no other than that on said road. The said W. A. Clapp does agree to make said road on as good a grade as he can and not less than a third class road as shown above. The aforesaid road shall be for the use and benefit of both parties hereinafter named. Witness our hand this 28th day of December 1898. Signed: B. P. Branson (her mark) G. W. Sharp, Clerk He had his land bought by Robert Lee Clapp on 4 July 1904 in Maynardville, Union Co., TN. 4 Jul 1904 Sale of William Alexander Clapp’s land at a Sheriff’s Sale Deed of Record to Robert Lee Clapp (son of William Alexander Clapp) Whereas it appears of record in the office of the Circuit Court Clerk of Union County Tennessee that J. H. Salling on Jan 26 1901, recovered a judgment before J. S. Graves, a Justice of the Peace of Union County, Tenn. against Alex Clapp for the sum of thirty five ($35.25) & 25/100 dollars and all costs and whereas on Feb 6, 1901 An execution was issued on said judgment which went into the hands of W. H. Booker, Constable of the 1st Civil Dist of Union County Tenn. and by him on Feb 27, 1901 levied on the following tract of real estate belonging to the defendant Alex Clapp lying in the 1st Civil District of Union County Tenn. where said Clapp then lived, adjoining Branson, etal, on the south Wininger et al, and on the west Carey; and whereas said Constable returned said execution and said Justice of the Peace the other papers in the cause into the office of the Circuit Court Clerk of Union County Tenn. within the time required by law in such cases, and whereas at the February term of said Circuit Court said land was duly condemned for sale by the honorable W. R. Hicks, Judge hold my said court for the plaintiffs debt and costs and an order of sale ordered to be issued to satisfy said debt and costs which was issued by the Clerk of said Court on the 8th of March 1901, and went into the hands of P. H. Ousley, Sheriff of Union County, Tenn., and by him returned with following endorsement, to wit: Came to have I same day issued and after advertising the within described land for sale as the law requires and giving the defendant a written notice of the time and place of sale more than 20 days before the day of sale a copy of said notice is returned with this order of sale, I on the 29th day of April 1901, in front of the Court House door in Maynardville, Tennessee offered the within described land for sale at public auction outcry for cash in hand and J. H. Salling became the purchaser at the price of $44.70 forty four dollars and seventy cents, he being the highest, best and last bidder and J. H. Salling being the plaintiff he was only required to pay the costs. I therefore return this Order of Sale satisfied this April 29th, 1901. P. H. Ousley, Sheriff And whereas it appears of record that said land has not been redeemed, and on the 28 day of April 1903 said J. H. Salling transferred his said bid on said land to R. L. Clapp (Robert Lee Clapp) for a valuable consideration and authorized the sheriff to execute a deed to said land to said R. L. Clapp the time of redemption having expired and no one redeeming said land. Now therefore I, C. L. Baker, Sheriff of Union County, Tenn. and successor in office to P. H. Ousley, former Sheriff by the authority in me vested by law do hereby sell, transfer and convey to said R. L. Clapp his heirs and assigns in so full a manner as I as such Sheriff can or ought to warrant the same, but no further or otherwise. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand this July 4, 1904. C. L. Baker, Sheriff William Alexander "Alex" CLAPP and Phebe Ann "Anna" MERRITT were married on 30 May 1875 in Union Co., TN.2137,2167,2168 Married by J. T. Huddleston, J.P. They2137,2167,2168 appeared in the census in 1900 in District 1, Union Co., TN. Page 132 A, 5 Jun 1900, Dwelling 57 William Alexander "Alex" CLAPP and Phebe Ann "Anna" MERRITT had the following children: