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80. Eve "Eva" CORTNER was born on 15 May 1770 in NC.74,81 Boring has 15 Mar 1770. She died on 12 June 1851 at the age of 81 in Guilford Co., NC.74 John Boring has her death date as 12 Jun 1850. She was buried in June 1851 in Brick Church Cemetery, Guilford Co., NC.74 Eve "Eva" CORTNER and Jacob "Miller" CLAPP were married on 17 January 1790 in NC.82 Jacob "Miller" CLAPP, son of John George CLAPP and Anna Elizabeth ALBRIGHT, was born on 11 December 1767 in NC.74,82 He died on 4 October 1846 at the age of 78 in Guilford Co., NC.74,82 Aged 78y, 9m, 23 days. He was buried in 1846 in Brick Church Cemetery, Guilford Co., NC.74 Funeral conducted by George F. Welker Welker's record noted: "Died of palsy. A valuable member of the Brick Church. Could not attend church, so often preached at his house. Never murmured. Came to his end in peace." Eve "Eva" CORTNER and Jacob "Miller" CLAPP had the following children: +368 | i. | Mary CLAPP. | +369 | ii. | Sarah "Sallie" CLAPP. | 370 | iii. | Gabriel CLAPP was born on 4 February 1796 in NC.72,83 Brick Church census has 1786. He died on 4 August 1797 at the age of 1 in Guilford Co., NC.72 He was buried in August 1797 in Brick Church Cemetery, Guilford Co., NC.72 Bapt. Brick Church - sponsors: George Clapp Sr. and wife. Birth and death dates from Brick Church records (1925 list). Buried in Brick Church Cemetery. | +371 | iv. | Captain Joshua CLAPP. |