Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Fifth Generation34. Col. Jonathan HUNT6 was born on 12 October 1715 in Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., NJ.2 He signed a will on 18 June 1782 in Rowan Co., NC.6 He died on 5 September 1782 in Cana, Davie Co., NC.7 Buried in the Eaton Baptist Church Cemetery, near Mockville, NC. Stone was standing and legible in 1951 according to M. J. Hunt. Davie was part of Rowan County at time of death. Jonathan was buried in 1782 in Eaton Baptist Church Cemetery, Cana, Davie Co., NC.8 Was appointed Justice of the Peace in Rowan Co., N.C. 10 Sept. 1753; served as a Colonel in the North Carolina Militia. Commanded a Company during the Revolutionary War and was a member of the Commission of Safety of Rowan County. His Will is on record in Rowan Co., N. Carolina. In it he names his wife, Margaret. He is said to have been married three times and to have had at least 14 children. Vance Little (Hunts of Tennessee) lists his first wife as, "probably Mary Smith, daughter of Andrew and Sarah (Stout) Smith, born Sept. 19, 1720". The COOK manuscript gives his first wife as Isabelle Henderson, 1738. Mitchell Hunt now believes the COOK manuscript is wrong and that Mary Smith is the wife. "Hunts of Tn." gives Jonathan's date of death from his tombstone as: " 5 Sept. 1782 in the 67 years of his age". This would make his date of birth 1715. There is a recorded marriage found on CD-ROM disc of N.C. marriages by Everton Publishers for "Jonathan Hunt to Rachal Hampton, 7 August 1769, and another: "Jonathan Hunt to Nancy Laurans, 11 Nov.1804" both in Rowan Co., N. Carolina. Beverly Yount, a descendant, has published a magnificent genealogy of Jonathan Hunt and his descendants. His gravestone was still standing in the Eaton Baptist Church Cemetery at Cana and legible in 1984, according to Ned Brenner, who visited and photographed it (See cover of Mitchell Hunt's mss. : A Corrected Genealogy of Col. Jonathan Hunt".) Col. Jonathan HUNT and Mary SMITH were married about 1738 in Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., NJ.2 Mary SMITH was born on 19 September 1720 in Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., NJ.2 She died on 23 March 1757 in Rowan Co., NC.9 Date of death of 23 Mar 1757 is shown in a Smith Family Bible in Hopewell, NJ. See "Hunts of Tennessee" by Vance Little, pages 6 & &. Further corroborated by the 3rd edition of Patriot Index of D.A.R. Col. Jonathan HUNT and Mary SMITH had the following children:
Col. Jonathan HUNT and Isabel HAMPTON were married about 1758.9 Isabel HAMPTON died about 1860 in NC.12 She was born in Rowan Co., NC.9 Col. Jonathan HUNT and Isabel HAMPTON had the following children:
Col. Jonathan HUNT and Margaret LOWRANCE12 were married on 3 January 1761 in Rowan Co., NC.9 They had nine children and their names and birthdates are known for sure because they were recorded in the family bible which went with their eldest son, Daniel. Margaret LOWRANCE was born on 28 September 1740 in Peapack, Somerset Co., NJ.9,13 Probably born in new Jersey. She died in Davie Co., NC. Col. Jonathan HUNT and Margaret LOWRANCE had the following children: